The Lessons Only a Jelly Bean Can Teach

As the here and now on this planet grew more unpleasant in recent years, I found myself writing more stories of deep space explorations, such as “The Lessons Only a Jelly Bean Can Teach,” which was published in the October 2023 issue of Pulphouse, my third appearance in that reincarnated magazine.

It’s also shorter than what’s been my sweet spot lately of 6,000-8,000 words, coming in at only 2,600 words. Which meant I was able to read the entire story during my half hour slot at the 2023 Capclave. In another timeline, I might have been able to share that reading with you, as I’ve done so many times in the past, but in this timeline, I did my reading masked, and didn’t want preserve that image, so you’ll have to imagine it.

If you do track down and read the story, let me know whether you can identify the line which drew the biggest laugh. I think it will be obvious.